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Content Marketing Lessons

content marketing lessons

10 Content Marketing Lessons from The World’s Fastest Growing Websites

content marketing lessons
The media world is witnessing the changing of the guard. The new brash upstarts have embraced, integrated and are applying the technology of the social web.
Buzzfeed, Upworthy and the humble blogs of this world are the new content kings. Many blogs have more readers and eyeball traffic than traditional and national magazines. Newspapers like the New York Times, The Guardian and even the super blogs such as the Huffington Post and Mashable are under upstart threat.

The 10 content marketing lessons

Here are some insights and lessons on what makes Buzzfeed and Upworthy the fastest growing websites on the planet and what you can learn and apply from their tactics to your content, blog and website.

1. Don’t expect home runs every time

We want all our content to succeed every time. But that doesn’t happen and it isn’t realistic.

2. Write mu

The first step and instruction to all content creators – “You HAVE to crap out 25 headlines for every piece of content”ltiple headlines for each article

3. Large listicle headlines work

Perfect the art and science of large list headlines, often called “Listicles”.

4. Test the best ones

When you have written multiple headlines then you need to test them.

5. Stack images in content

This tactic is very effective because you are giving your article the best chance to resonate with your audience so it “has” to be shared.

6. Make it easy for readers to share

Have a very clever technical tactic that makes it easy to share different parts of the article.

7. Curate the best content

See what is pumping and then add your own spin to it.

8. Make it easy for people to like your Facebook page

You have to love the relentless pursuit of squeezing every piece of viral sharing capability out of readers.

9. Target a niche, cause or issue

We are often trying to reach a broad audience to get that mass appeal. Tap into niches and causes because you are much more passionate about your group.

10. Keep looking for “Epic” content

Trying to be unique all the time will make your brain fry and often means you are reinventing the wheel and you don’t have to. Keep reading and hunting and see what sort of content works well on the web and your competitors sites.

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