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Finding the right customers | Dreamlife-Intl

finding customers

finding customers

As a network marketing distributor, you know better than anyone that your success, and thus the growth of your income,
depends on the success of the people in your downline, and the number of products that are sold to the end user.

You should be able to help the people in your downline to generate the income they’re looking for. Therefor it’s very important to have the skills to build an income with the products (or service) your MLM company is selling.

So first of all you need to manage finding the right prospects. So find where your audience is. As a network marketer, you’re a only a problem solver. So ask yourself, what problem is your product or service solving for your prospect. You need to know what it does for your prospect, without bothering about the ingredients, the colors, etc.

Your potential customer is looking for a solution for a problem. Often they look for that solution on Google, or another search engine. They don’t look for colors, ingredients, etc. What you want, is that the prospect finds you in the first place. Afterwards you want to stand out from all the other distributors. Best is to look for an audience with a strong demand, where you have relatively little competition. You’ll have to specialize then in a subject where most of the other marketeers are not working.

So make a list of solutions where you can offer products or services. For example stay on weight after a diet, get better sports results after months of training, get your skin better, … Make a list and write down, whatever you think of, and learn about the subject without becoming a professor. Write about the solutions, tell them what products to use, and people will start to trust you, the search engines will give you better positions, and customers will come.

When you give reasonable solutions, those customers will refer you to, or become a network marketer himself, good people for your group.


finding customers – Dreamlife-Intl

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