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Get some table tennis tips – ping pong tips

table tennis tips

Table tennis tips
We want people to get active, so let’s give some ping-pong tips for beginners

First of all you need to hold the paddle. Do it correctly, as that’s very important for your game. Start with one of the conventional ping pong grips (as there are the “shakehand grip“and the “penhold grip“), and be sure you can use your wrist to stroke the ball.table tennis

Don’t poke the ball, but stroke it. That’s one of the most important table tennis tips. A lot of people try to guide the ball over the net. However it all has to do with spin, and therefore you’ve to stroke it.

Table tennis is about moving. Don’t stay on one place, and try to reach for every ball. Often it will be difficult, and many times you’ll be too late. Move around the table to get the ball.

It might be good to get some help, even if you only plan to play for fun. Look for a lesson from a good teacher, to get some table tennis lessons. But be aware that you don’t get confused by the help of some people who don’t give useable advice.

You don’t need an expensive bat, just to play some fun competitions. Look for a good one in a sport store, so you can get  some advice. Experts do use bats with more possibilities towards spin and speed, but you don’t need these as a beginner. And when you have a bat, don’t change it every month. Stick to it, and get used to it.

Whatever sport you do, take care about your nutrition. It surely makes a difference towards energy and recovery.

If you get a better player, you want maybe some more expert table tennis tips.

table tennis tips – BigC-Consulting

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